El populismo en EE.UU

 Un intelectual crítico norteamericano, indignado por la forma en la que el capital está dominando al sistema democrático, se pregunta sobre la posible emergencia de un movimiento populista ( de derecha o izquierda ) en los Estados Unidos, en respuesta al vacío que deja el sistema político bipartidista.

Which party wants to  limit the size of the biggest Wall Street banks,  tax financial transactions,  have fair trade, not free trade,  end NSA spying on Americans,  end corporate welfare, and (6) get big money out of politics?
Neither, of course. But over the past year I've found myself in more and more conversations with populists on the right and the left who hold every one of these views. Makes me wonder if we're going to see the emergence of a populist movement or even party in the years ahead, based on these six principles. What do you think?