Online fundraising is built right into the 2.0 Online Tools. Your 2.0 online fundraising pages are fully integrated with the 2.0 constituent management database, so the information you collect from donors (like names, addresses, email addresses, and telephone numbers) flows directly into your CRM database. That means you can use donors' data (including donor history information) as selection criteria when developing email and advocacy campaigns.
And with 2.0 fundraising, your Web users have a fully branded experience. You control the look and feel, and they remain on your site throughout the entire contribution process, from initiation through authorization. If you're already accepting Web contributions through another channel, switching to 2.0 will probably be easy. The 2.0 Online Tools support all mainstream online payment processors (including and Chase Paymentech), and they work with your existing merchant account.
Versatile, easy-to-use forms builder
Take complete control of the branding and layout of your contribution forms with the 2.0 interactive forms builder. A broad subset of HTML is supported (as on all 2.0-generated pages), but you don't need to know HTML to create rich, effective layouts with ease. Get started easily, with forms templates that automatically collect the CRM data you need, including the data for FEC compliance and reporting. Build as many forms as you like, source-coded to support segmented programs and analysis.
Reporting, compliance, and accounting integration
All your constituents' interactions with your Web site are tracked, making it easy to understand what's working for you online and to do more of it. View fundraising reports by campaign and source, sorted and segmented by day and hour, by offer, by geography, or by other criteria that are important to you. Or export summary or detail information for offline analysis or for integration into your compliance software or accounting database.
Redundant, load-balanced connection
When your candidate is on "Meet the Press" or your organization makes the front page of the Los Angeles Times -- you need to be ready for the resulting traffic. For high-volume individual fundraising programs online, BSD sets the standard. Our network configuration, our redundant load-balanced connections and our experience managing highly variable traffic ensure that we'll meet or exceed our uptime guarantees and you won't miss a single contribution, even when your traffic spikes.
Rubén Weinsteiner
- Marca Política
- #VotoJoven
- Fundraising:consecución de fondos para una campaña llave en mano
- Gestión de articulaciones con alta dirigencia
- Campañas electorales integrales:
- Contacto
- Investigación
- Our approach in #marcapolitica
- Microsegmentación 4.0
- Clientes
- #MarcaPolítica Government & Political Campaigns
- Página principal
- #MarcaPolítica Public Affairs
- Foundations & NGOs
- Marca política y sujetos políticos
- Nuestro servicio de Advocacy en #marcapolítica
- Servicios
- #MarcaPolítica Government & Political Campaigns
- Ingeniería social
- Coaching y media training
- Stakeholder engagement
- Reputation management
- Comunicación 4.0
- #MarcaPolítica Country Branding
- Third Party Advocacy